What is IT Consulting?
Technology has never been more pervasive as it is today and it will only continue to grow. Back in 2010, Apple trademarked the phrase “There’s an app for that.” It certainly was true then, but now a more accurate catchphrase might be “There are several apps for that.” (It doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it?) The truth is if you’re looking for an application or system for your business, there are likely many, sometimes hundreds, of choices available to you; all with their own set of features, functions, advantages and disadvantages. So how do you, as a business owner, know you are making the right choice? It may not seem like that critical of a decision at first, but consider that we have seen uninformed purchasing decisions and failed implementations cost businesses thousands, tens of thousands, and in some instances, hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Make A Wise Investment
The above scenario is just a small example of how IT Consulting can help your business. Its intent is to illustrate how the perpetually expansive nature of technology can be overwhelming. As a business owner or manager, you are competent and proficient at running your business, but likely not equally skilled at identifying your business’s unique needs when it comes to Information Technology. So, consulting with professionals who are as skilled at Information Technology management as you are at running a business would be a wise and valuable investment. Let Netris provide the wisdom and insight needed to move your company’s Information Technology infrastructure forward.
Level Up Your Business Strategy
Our IT consulting and project management services are intended to be supplemental. While our managed services plans include a certain number of hours of IT consulting and project management services per month, depending on service level (see our Managed IT Services page), it may come as a surprise that a lot of the consulting work we do is for companies that already have in-house IT staff. This could be because the company doesn’t have IT management (whether temporarily or permanently), or they’re seeking a fresh perspective from professionals with an intimate knowledge of what other companies are doing in the industry. Whatever the reason, we enjoy working with other IT professionals. We believe in fostering a culture of collaboration, not competition — in fact, we often do consultation work for other IT Service Providers.
Do IT Right
The truth is, there is no “one size fits all” Information Technology solution. Every business is unique, with its own unique set of needs. Just because there is a new trend in the technology industry that other businesses are adopting, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for your business. It requires professional insight to identify your business’s unique Information Technology needs and implement the custom solutions to meet those needs. With Netris as your IT consulting service provider, your business will gain that critical insight.